My Role as a Child of God
Galatians 3:26 NLT – For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
I’ve heard it said so many times that I was almost rebellious against agreeing with it. When you become a parent, you get a completely new understanding of the love that God feels for you as His child.
My love for other people was so incredibly huge before I had children, that I was never blown away by that feeling for my kids. But God has prompted me to think about it, in ways that I haven’t before. He has been pointing out to me that I really am his child, and that I need to be relating to him in that way.
Luke 18:17 NLT – I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”
As a parent, there are certain things that I want for my kids. And as a child of God, there are certain things that he wants for me in my life. When I start to think about my relationship with God in that light, it really does change my perceptions.
As a parent, I care more about the well-being of my kids than their accomplishments. I care more about the life they are living than their success. I would be more satisfied if my son was living a life of peace, hoy and love, than if he had flogged himself through university to work a high income job that he hated.
And when I think about it that way, I know that God cares more about my character and who I am than what I do.
The more whole I am as a person, the more joy I take from life, the happier it must make him. He does have a father’s heart.
As his child, He is calling me to
– be loved and love him
– be joyful
– trust him
– obey him
– become like him
– be a part of the family
– walk in peace
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