Taking My Roles Seriously
Over the last few months, God has been leading me on a journey which has seen me strip back all of the activities and things that I was doing to focus on our family, and on Him. This has been the first time I have really looked at motherhood, and what my role is.
I found as I entered motherhood, that there were so many voices telling me what I should do, who I should be, what my children should look like. And I had so many expectations of myself. I should be my mother’s teacher, nurse, friend, comforter, trainer. I needed to make sure my kids had exactly the right things to eat, to wear, to play with. Not too little, but not too much. With everybody having a different idea on what that looked like. It’s ridiculously overwhelming!
On top of that, my perfectionistic nature believed that there was a ‘best’ way, and that I was not doing it right unless I was hitting that mark. The only problem being, of course, that there really is no indication of what the ‘best way’ is, and you really can’t tell if you’ve hit it until after your kids have grown up and left home (and even then, kids have free choice). I found myself getting completely overwhelmed by the trains of thought that ran riot through my head.
Then God started prompting me, pulling me to let it all go. To let it go and discover what He truly had in mind for me and my family.
And as I started seeking, He came alongside me and wiped the slate of my expectations clean. He gave me a fresh table to start building my lego block home on.
Somewhere on the interweb recently, I saw this statement from a husband to a wife. “I love that you take your role as a wife seriously.” It stuck with me, resonating in my head. I felt as though God was saying to me, I take your role as a mum and a wife seriously. That’s something I have struggled with over the last few months. I know in my head that it is an important job, but somehow I’m still seeking more. It’s been hard to find my purpose in this role.
But if the God of heaven and earth thinks that this is important, and it’s pretty clear throughout scripture that He does, then who am I to question that?
And as I was thinking about it, He began to expand on it for me.
Not only does he take my role as a mum and wife seriously, but he takes my role as a child seriously. More seriously than he takes any other role.
That relationship with him as my father is the one which all my other relationships and responsibilities should come off. If I’m failing in that area, then everything else will suffer.
So with that as the basis, I began to start searching through the scriptures, seeking what He was saying to me. And I’d love to share it with you. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to share bit by bit what God has been speaking to me about. Feel free to join me on this journey.
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