Family Camping

For the last few weeks, I have been desperate to get out of this concrete playground.  I grew up in a small country town, and I’m not used to all this traffic and noise!  It’s really been getting to my head.  After church last week, I begged my husband to go for a drive with me, just to get out of here.  Four months in the city, and I’m still nowhere near used to it.

This weekend, we got away!  We spent one night at my parent’s block, just dreaming and enjoying the peace and quiet!  It’s so beautiful out there, and I love seeing how the kids and their daddy interact when there’s no stuff.  Just them.  It’s like that is our natural environment.  That’s how I always wanted our family to look and be and now we’re stuck in the city on a tiny little patch of grass.  I’m trying to figure out how to make it work, but struggling.

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