My God, My Jesus, My Love

My God, My Jesus. My love.

You were always the first. You always had all of my heart. Before my heart was taken by a man, it was yours. More than my family, more than my friends. It was always you.

Lord, I long so much to be back in your arms. To feel you holding me tighter than ever before. To have an intimacy with you that I’m longing for.

I just want to fall in love with you Jesus, with everything that I have.

I have been trying to figure out what the go is with my life God. The toss up between uni and family. And what I’ve realised is that it’s all meaningless. Even time with my kids is meaningless if I’ve lost you. You are THE most important thing. More than Tim, more than kids climbing trees and painting.

I spent this morning reading my bible. I really feel like I could get lost in your presence and nothing else would matter. Everything else would fade. I can get lost in your word.

Bless the lord oh my soul and let all that’s within me shout out

Bless the Lord all my soul and let all thats within me shout out!!!!!

Have your way!!
Honestly Jesus, there is nothing more that I want than to follow you. It’s such a deep desire of mine.

It’s like your words run deep in my veins and no matter how far I turn or accidentally fall, your lifeblood is warming my skin. Drawing me back. Pulling that cord.

I can’t deny it.

I am yours. I am so yours. You will always call me back into intimacy with you!

I love you so so much!!!

Jesus, I just want my life to bring you glory.


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