2012 update

So I just had a look and realised how much time I’ve actually missed and it’s a LOT more than I thought, so I guess I had better recap.

I now have two beautiful boys. We called our second child Elisha, meaning the Salvation of God. God continues to prove his faithfulness and miracle working power through him time after time, from conception until now. The hand of God is on him in a strong way. I firmly believe there is a plan.

He’s six months now, and hasn’t been the easiest baby, but that’s what Mum said about Lucy as well, her second. Despite that, he still brings us joy. He is ticklish under his chin.

Milestones – He learnt how to roll both ways on October 5 2012, and had his first real food on Oct 26 2012. I feel terrible, but I can’t remember the others. He doesn’t have any teeth yet though, so hopefully we’ll get to record that.


Mum and Dad have bought a property and we are living there now. Three rooms have been magically transformed over the last few months into our little house, the other 15 are still being worked on. Ours isn’t completely finished either, but Tim and I were acknowledging today how incredible the change is. It’s an old RAAF barracks.

I studied part time for the first semester and dropped it completely in this semester due to the required pre-requisites. At least that’s the excuse I’ve given everybody. It’s partially that I wanted to relax and chill a bit. Which definitely HAS NOT happened. Tim has also taken this semester off and has started his IT business, which he is doing pretty well in. He would do better if I gave him time to actually work, but I like his company too much.

So that’s the brief update on the last year I guess. Onwards and upwards.

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