34 weeks
It suddenly dawned on us last night that we are expecting another child! Which means we need to get things organised and look at names and things like that. It’s not that it hasn’t seemed real to us, but we hadn’t thought much beyond the birth (and to be honest, we’ve barely thought about that). I’m getting more and more excited about the labour and birth. I’m really looking forward to it.
For the last month or so, I’ve been having a lot of hip and back pain. It has eased up a bit with chiropractor visits and increased hydration, but the last few days it has returned as painful as ever. I still look very small, measuring quite a bit less than I should be. Looking through Nathan’s records though, and the same happened in my pregnancy last time. I’m looking about 30 weeks at the moment, rather than nearly 35. My fluid volume is on the lower side of normal, so I’m feeling lots of limbs and bony bits. This baby definitely seems to roll more than it does kick and jab though. It feels slightly more gentle. Tim thinks that’s an indication that it’s a girl.
I am having to slow down a bit and take things easier now. Study has been fairly difficult to stay on top of, I’m really only getting Nathan’s nap times to do it. I’ve been so tired the last few weeks that I’m in bed pretty much as soon as he is.
We’ve been doing a fairly good job of staying on top of things like our dinner plans and bible reading. A few months ago, we wrote a huge list of things we wanted to change and implement, and now when we look at it, it feels like a silly list. Just because we have introduced so much change that it just feels natural. There is progress, and I do believe our family is benefiting from it. We are moving forward!
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